Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Evaluation question 1 part 3

Evaluation question 1 part 2

Evaluation question 1 : in what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

metamorphasis final a2 media

permission letter

 RCA Reynolds601 Brickell Key DrMiami, FL 33131United StatesTo whom it may concern,
We currently study Media as one of our A Levels, understandably a crucial year to shape my futurecareer paths. My task for our final year consists of producing a music video in which we have to filmand edit all ourselves ensuring that the final piece is professional and meets the required standards.
The song “Invaders must die ”
is a fast tempo and upbeat song that targets my audience extremely well. Asdiscussed amongst our group, we had various ideas that can act towards such a great song, thisincludes colour, and various narrative themes.Understandably, my name would be on everything we do and as a result your music would beplayed a lot of people.It would be much appreciated if you could grant me permission to use your song.Kind regardsRamon Iglesias DiazContact info:Email: Diaz@live.comTelephone: 07903579773/ 07535208299

mise en scene

For my music video I wanted to have the antagonists be inspired from the film the Matrix that shows Agents who show little to no emotion and are essentially robots.

location search for music video

I wanted to film somewhere with various hills so I looked to Crystal Palace as it is famous for being built on 7 hills and therefore would have what I required to film my music video. I then looked at different park locations to determine which would be the best suited for my music video. I chose a combination of two as both had different features I wanted to use.

prop search